
2024.04 K-Cinema Online Screening

The Girl on a Bulldozer

The Korean Cultural Centre Canada is pleased to host an Online K-Cinema Screening of the 'The Girl on a Bulldozer(2022)' from Wednesday, April 24 to Tuesday, April 30.

synopsis: Hae-young has just turned 20. She has one problem; her father, Gu Bon-jin. He was on the run in a car he had stolen and had a car accident, which put him in a coma. Not only does she learn that her father's restaurant would be taken over by a newly married couple, but she also learns that her father is diagnosed with a brain death. To make matters worse, a young couple, who was injured in the car accident, has asked for a big settlement.

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* This online screening will only be available for streaming within Canada.

* The illegal copying and distribution of the films will be subject to legal consequences.